
Pickpocket pathfinder
Pickpocket pathfinder

pickpocket pathfinder

Maybe have something like each person rolling a d20 for a round-robin of talking order, and the rest of the party has to at least shut up and listen?


r/DnD has a lot of Q&As where some players and GMs will ask how to deal with certain situations as what you're describing, you might be able to find browsing those in your spare time worth it, if desired. That's kind of the typical table-top group, I recommend (maybe) r/pathfinder or r/DnD. It usually results from in-fighting, 80% caused by the guy we are about to boot. I have never lost a character by my own doing. Though I am having fun playing him, he is stressed from being around what he percieves as lessers. I personally have trouble playing Lawful alignments. My husband is a fair but brutal GM and splitting the party has lead to many humorous and swift TPKs. My character would prefer staying out of combat and researching new spells, but gets dragged along. (Missed a few sessions but otherwise kinda uses tactics) and finally, the other guy I can flank with. (Undead Sorceror who charged a Barbarian and Fighter) A dude who wants to take over everything and aggro monsers that are stronger than us. (Wizard with no Con.) Another guy who is close to being kicked out for being a jerk. Roleplay wise, I try to diplomacy my way out of most things, one guy is a quiet trickster who choses the most inoppertune times to prank. The only other melee guy I can flank with is hyper all of the time and hard to talk to. That in itself is not so bad, the Wizard dumping constitution is.

pickpocket pathfinder

My group has horrid tactics and decided to all be "Squishy" classes. (The damage works like a rogue's and replaces bombs.) At 3rd level, vivisectors use knowledge nature for all heal checks and related things. He's been on the front line to shove potions down ally's throats and and utilize the sneak attack/flanking bonus damage that vivisectors get, out of necessity. Neutral Evil seems the extent of his brutality RP-wise you could play him Lawful Neutral for a slightly better twist (as he likes to be in control of what he's doing, prefers order to chaos, hates doing things outside the norm and opposes Marluxia's attempt to overthrow Xemnas in CoM via controlling Namine and Sora - Vexen, Zexion and Lexaeus (sp?) use Riku in a similar fashion though after finding him ascending from the bowels of Castle Oblivion). Give him an eerie passive of always remembering everything he reads/talks with the other Org members, but that would either destroy your hand from all the writing, or would be up to the GM/DM depending on circumstances. If you go the doctor route, he ought to have the equivalent of something like Knowledge: Healing Knowledge: Psychology, Focus:Memory. Tactical front-line doesn't really suit Vexen's personality in CoM he's more likely to be second line than first (if he isn't sitting with the ranged, he's the type who doesn't like getting his hands dirty, note the battle(s) he has with Sora and Riku in CoM). You'd probably want to pick up some basic ice spells, or have his ice shield carry charges of certain ice spells with an encounter/rest/daily cooldowns (you wouldn't make a level 10 spell have an encounter cooldown, instead it'd be a daily), depending on their level/usefulness (he's always been more into memory and research than his own element Ice just reflects his cold and intellectual demeanor in relation to the other Org members). Will read through some Pathfinder material over the weekend I'm more familiar with D&D (3.5-4e). Not as familiar with Pathfinder, but your Vexen idea makes sense.

Pickpocket pathfinder